【訊息分享 - 美國人口學會年會投稿截止時間延後】
美國人口學會 (Population Association of America, PAA) 2025 年會的投稿截止時間,延至美國東部時間 10 月 1 日晚間 11:59 了 (台灣時間為 10 月 2 日上午 11:59)。
不想錯失機會的學界朋友,請把握最後時間喔 !
【訊息分享 - 人口相關演講會】
時間:2024年10月24日(星期四) 14:00-15:30
講者:中央研究院經濟研究所 楊子霆 副研究員
講者:中央研究院經濟研究所 羅紀琼 兼任研究員
【訊息分享 - 人口相關研討會】
Third Party Reproduction: Governance, Relatedness & Globalization
- 時間:2024/10/19(Sat)-20(Sun)
- 地點:台大社會社工系館401會議室 Room 401, Building of Sociology and Social Work Department, National Taiwan University
- 實體+線上參與 Join us in person or online!
- 議程 + 報名連結 Program & Registration
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have decoupled 'sex' from 'reproduction,' enabling infertile couples, single women, and same-sex couples to have children using donated gametes or surrogacy. As third-party reproduction through sperm and egg donation and surrogacy has expanded significantly worldwide, important questions arise: What are the latest developments in these ART networks that are transforming how families are created? What new social relationships are emerging as a result? And how should these practices be governed to improve the well-being of all involved?
The international conference "Third Party Reproduction: Governance, Relatedness & Globalization" is organized by the Taiwan Social Resilience Center at National Taiwan University (NTU), the Department of Sociology at NTU, and the School of Medicine, College of Medicine at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). Featuring five thematic sessions and a policy forum, it brings together 14 leading scholars from Denmark, Japan, Australia, the UK, and Taiwan to discuss the development, policies, and individual experiences surrounding egg and sperm donation across various historical and cultural contexts.
Everything you need to know about us.《人口學刊》自1977年創刊以來,是國內唯一專門以刊登國內外人口研究學術論文、研究紀要與相關訊息之學術性期刊。本刊為半年刊,每年六月、十二月出刊,由國立臺灣大學人口與性別研究中心與臺灣人口學會出版,秉持嚴謹的審查與編輯流程以維繫專業學術水準,為科技部TSSCI知名期刊。來稿以人口相關研究之研究論文、研究紀要為主,也歡迎相關議題之回應與討論、書評以及國內外學術活動紀實。