
【訊息分享 - 美國人口學會年會投稿截止時間延後】

美國人口學會 (Population Association of America, PAA) 2025 年會的投稿截止時間,延至美國東部時間 10 月 1 日晚間 11:59 了 (台灣時間為 10 月 2 日上午 11:59)。
不想錯失機會的學界朋友,請把握最後時間喔 !

研討會舉辦時間:2025 年 4 月 10 - 13 日
研討會舉辦地點:美國 Washington, DC

【訊息分享 - 人口相關演講會】


時間:2024年10月24日(星期四) 14:00-15:30
講者:中央研究院經濟研究所 楊子霆 副研究員

講者:中央研究院經濟研究所 羅紀琼 兼任研究員


【訊息分享 - 人口相關研討會】

Third Party Reproduction: Governance, Relatedness & Globalization

  • 時間:2024/10/19(Sat)-20(Sun)
  • 地點:台大社會社工系館401會議室 Room 401, Building of Sociology and Social Work Department, National Taiwan University
  • 實體+線上參與 Join us in person or online!
  • 議程 + 報名連結 Program & Registration
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have decoupled 'sex' from 'reproduction,' enabling infertile couples, single women, and same-sex couples to have children using donated gametes or surrogacy. As third-party reproduction through sperm and egg donation and surrogacy has expanded significantly worldwide, important questions arise: What are the latest developments in these ART networks that are transforming how families are created? What new social relationships are emerging as a result? And how should these practices be governed to improve the well-being of all involved?
The international conference "Third Party Reproduction: Governance, Relatedness & Globalization" is organized by the Taiwan Social Resilience Center at National Taiwan University (NTU), the Department of Sociology at NTU, and the School of Medicine, College of Medicine at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). Featuring five thematic sessions and a policy forum, it brings together 14 leading scholars from Denmark, Japan, Australia, the UK, and Taiwan to discuss the development, policies, and individual experiences surrounding egg and sperm donation across various historical and cultural contexts.

【訊息分享 - 國際人口研討會】

美國人口學會 (Population Association of America, PAA) 將於明 (2025) 年 2 月初,舉辦 2025 Applied Demography Conference 國際研討會。現正徵稿中

  • 時間:2025 年 2 月 4-6 日
  • 地點:美國亞利桑那州土桑市 (Tucson)
  • 投稿截止日:2024 年 10 月 14 日
  • 詳細資訊可參見官方網站
根據研討會官網,"Applied demography is concerned with the application of the materials and methods of demography to the analysis and solution of the problems of business, private nonprofit organizations, and government"

【訊息分享 - 國際人口研討會】

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) 將於明 (2025) 年 3 月,舉辦 Gender Inequalities, Fertility, and the Future of Family Demography: Intersectionality in an Era of Family Complexity 國際研討會,現正徵稿中
  • 研討會時間:2025 年 3 月 19–21 日
  • 研討會地點:德國 Rostock, MPIDR
  • 研討會投稿截止日:2024 年 10 月 18 日

【訊息分享 - 國際人口研究課程】

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research 將於今年 11 月初,開辦 Topics in Digital and Computational Demography 課程。
此一為期 5 天的課程,採實體、線上的混合方式舉辦

課程時間:2024 年 11 月 4-8 日
課程地點:德國 Rostock / 線上 (Zoom)
申請截止日:2024 年 9 月 24 日 
申請人資格要求:需為博士生或具有博士學位,且熟悉 R/RStudio、Python (Anaconda) 或相關程式

課程內容、課程要求 (如作業、測驗),及如何申請,請詳見官方網站。 

【訊息分享 - 國內演講活動】

講題:Why Delayed Motherhood? Women’s Decisions, 1910s-2020s
講者:Rima D. Apple(Professor Emerita, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
時間:2024/9/12(四) 12:30-14:00

Since the mid-20th century, women who choose to have their first child at an older age have become a significant demographic internationally.  The trend has received increasing attention in the media, some of which celebrate and some denounce the phenomenon.  This paper discusses the financial, social, cultural, and medical factors that have encouraged the rise in older motherhood.  Most especially, it studies the reasons that women themselves provide for their decisions.
Professor Emerita Rima Apple held joint appointments in the School of Human Ecology Departments of Consumer Science and Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Ecology, Women's Studies Program, and the Science and Technology Studies Program, and holds the position of Affiliate in the Department of the Medical History and Bioethics. 
In 1998 her book Vitamania: Vitamins in American culture (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1996) received the Kremers Award from the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy.  In 2011 she received the Mary Adelaide Nutting Award for Exemplary Historical Research and Writing from the American Association for the History of Nursing and in 2018 she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of the History of Medicine. 
Her current research, building on her work on “scientific motherhood,” focuses on the role of public health nurses in the evolution of maternal and childcare and the history of the changing characteristics of motherhood.  She frequently lectures on these topics both in the United States and abroad.

【訊息分享 - 國內演講活動】

演講時間: 2024 年 9 月 13 日 (五)
主講人:謝寧副教授 (Department of Sociology, Michigan State University)
講題: Healthcare Seeking within Intersectional Marginalization: How LGBTQ+ People of Color Navigate Barriers to Care in the U.S

【訊息分享 - 國內研討會徵稿中】

2024 總體經濟計量模型研討會,會議主題為「超高齡社會的總體經濟挑戰與機會」,現正徵稿中 


【訊息分享 - 亞洲人口學會演講會】

亞洲人口學會 (Asian Population Association) 將於今 (2024) 年 9 月,以線上方式舉辦第 10 次「國家人口」(National Population) 系列演講,主講人、演講題目、時間資訊如後: 

主講人:Doo-Sub Kim (韓國漢陽大學榮譽教授; 亞洲人口學會前仼理事長) 
演講題目:The Population of South Korea and the Impact of COVID-19 on Its Mortality
演講時間:2024 年 9 月 26 日下午 3 點 (台灣時間)

【訊息分享 - 國際人口相關工作坊】

Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research 將於明 (2025) 年 3 月中旬,舉辦 Second Rostock Open Science Workshop。此一為期兩天的工作坊,是以人口研究者為對象,介紹開放科學 (open science) 相關工具與應用。

工作坊時間:2025 年 3 月 17 – 18 日
工作坊地點:德國 Rostock
工作坊申請截止日:2024 年 9 月 15 日

申請者需為博士生或具博士學歷,申請時需檢附 CV、工作坊參與動機說明 (至多 200 字),並說明 R、Stata 或其他統計軟體的使用情形。


[訊息分享 - 人口相關演講活動]


講題:Disability and Transitions Between Living Arrangements Among Older Americans
講者:邱紀尊 副研究員(本院歐美研究所)

講題:Living Apart Together and Depressive Symptoms: Does partnership matter?
講者:吳慧靖 助研究員(本院歐美研究所)


【訊息分享 - 2025 年美國人口學會年會】

美國人口學會 (Population Association of America, PAA) 每年舉辦的年會,是國際最重要的人口研究學術研討會之一。
2025 年美國人口學會年會 (PAA 2025 Annual Meeting),即將開放投稿

  • 研討會舉辦時間:2025 年 4 月 10 - 13 日
  • 研討會舉辦地點:美國 Washington, DC
  • 研討會投稿期間:2024 年 8 月 15 日至 9 月 29 日
  • 詳情請見:官方網站

【資訊分享 - 歷史人口研習營】

主  題:認識日治臺灣戶口調查簿資料庫暨圓桌論壇
時  間:2024/09/06(五)08:40-15:30
地  點:中研院民族所第三會議室 R2319
主辦單位:中研院民族學研究所歷史人口研究計畫(歷史人口計畫 (sinica.edu.tw)

【訊息分享 - 國際生育指標資料庫介紹】

由德國 Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR)、奧地利 Vienna Institute of Demography (VID) 合作建置的 Human Fertility Database (HFD),針對已開發國家 (包含台灣),蒐集、建置各國的生育指標數據。
HFD 包含的生育指標,諸如:
  1. 世代生育率 (cohort fertility rate)
  2. 特定出生序次生育率 (birth-order-specific fertility rates)
  3. 粗生育率 (crude fertility rate)
  4. 累積生育率 (cumulative fertility rate)
  5. 總生育率 (total fertility rate, TFR)
  6. 生育步調調整總生育率 (tempo-adjusted TFR) 
  7. 平均生育年齡 (mean ages at birth)
  8. 平均生育年齡的標準差  (standard deviation in mean ages at birth)
  9. 胎次漸進率 (parity-progression ratio)
對於 HFD 資料庫包含的國家、數據內容、如何下載資料,請參考其官網 (請點這裡)。
各國年齡別生育率 (age-specific fertility rates) 數據,則可自 Human Fertility Collection (HFC) 資料庫下載 (請點這裡)。

【訊息分享 - 美國 2030 年人口普查諮詢委員會第一次會議】

美國人口普查局 (Census Bureau) 即將召開 2030 年人口普查諮詢委員會 (Census Advisory Committee) 的首次視訊會議。
非常特別的是,此一視訊會議將透過 YouTube 直播,讓一般民眾有機會觀看。
身在台灣的我們,因為有 12 個小時的時差,不大可能同步觀看直播。但關注人口議題的我們,可藉此瞭解美國人口普查局是如何審慎地看待每十年一次的人口普查,以作為台灣的借鏡。

  • 會議時間:東部夏令時間 (EDT) 7 月 26 日 10:30-17:30 (台灣時間為 7 月 26 日晚上 10:30 到 7 月 27 日早上 5:30)
  • 會議相關訊息:請點這裡
  • 會議直播網址:請點這裡

【訊息分享 - 國際研討會 開放報名中】

2024 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Population Ageing,現正開放報名中
  • 研討會時間:2024 年 9 月 11-13 日
  • 研討會地點:印尼, 峇里島, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center
  • 研討會主辦單位:HelpAge International, Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
  • 研討會網站:請點這裡
  • 報名截止日:2024 年 8 月 10 日
  • 報名網址:請點這裡

【訊息分享 - 國際研討會徵稿】

義大利人口研究學會 (Italian Association for Population Studies),將於明年舉辦 Giornate di Studio sulla Popolazione – Popdays 2025 國際研討會 (以英文舉行)

  • 研討會時間:2025 年 6 月 4-6 日
  • 研討會地點:義大利 Cagliari (義大利薩丁尼亞島的首府)
  • 投稿截止日:2024 年 11 月 1 日
  • 官方網站:請點這裡

【訊息分享 - 亞洲人口學會年會 開放報名中】

 第 6 屆亞洲人口學會年會 (6th Asian Population Association Conference),現正開放報名中

【訊息分享 - 中央研究院歐美所研討會】

中央研究院歐美研究所,即將舉辦 Population, Family and Health: Global Perspectives 國際研討會

研討會時間:2024 年 7 月 18-19 日
報名截止日:2024 年 7 月 11 日

【訊息分享 - 國際人口研討會】

魯汶大學的人口學研究中心 (Le Centre de recherche en démographie, DEMO),將舉辦 Quetelet Seminar 2024 - Behind and Beyond Numbers: Population Research Through Critical Lenses 國際研討會

研討會時間:2024 年 11 月 7-8 日
投稿截止日:2024 年 6 月 30 日 (原為 5 月 31 日)


【訊息分享 - 人口相關演講會】

演講主題:Survey research on demographic diversities 講座系列 II
Mixed-method Research Design for a National Longitudinal Study on Child Development

主持人: 陳玉華 Yu-Hua Chen 臺灣大學生物產業傳播發展學系副教授(Associate Professor, Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development, NTU)

This talk will illustrate the value of mixed-method design in social science research with the example of a longitudinal study based on a nationally representative sample of households with young children in Singapore – Singapore Longitudinal EArly Development Study (SG-LEADS). Different methods used in the study include national surveys, personal assessments, laboratory observations, experimental intervention, ethnography, electroencephalogram method (EEG), and eye-tracking method. Some research findings will be highlighted.

Wei-Jun Jean Yeung is a Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore, and Director of Social Sciences at the Singapore Institute of Clinical Sciences, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). She was a Provost-Chair Professor in the Department of Sociology from 2008-2023. Professor Yeung is a leading expert in social demography, family studies, population health, and social stratification, and is cited widely in academic and high-impact global media. She is the President of the Population Association of Singapore and the founding Director of the Center for Family and Population Research at NUS. She has led national surveys on family and children’s well-being in the USA, China, and Singapore.  She has. She is the Principal Investigator of the Singapore Longitudinal Early Development Study (SG LEADS).

【訊息分享 - 人口相關演講會】

演講主題:Survey research on demographic diversities 講座系列 I 
Queer Demography in Japan: Possibilities and Potentialities

主講人:Daiki Hiramori 平森 大規 日本法政大學助理教授(Assistant Professor, Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies, Hosei University)
主持人: 呂青湖 Lake, Lui 臺灣大學社會學系副教授(Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, NTU)

In recent years, societal interest in sexual and gender minorities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people, has increased across the world. However, extant research in Japan tends to use qualitative methods, which makes it difficult to estimate the size of LGBTQ populations and understand socioeconomic and health disadvantages experienced by these populations. In this talk, I present findings from our methodological studies to develop questions to measure sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) on population-based surveys in the Japanese context. I also discuss findings from a nationally representative survey and a community-based survey in Japan to illustrate the significance of including SOGI as routine demographic questions like age, race/ethnicity, and place of residence.

Daiki Hiramori is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies at Hosei University in Tokyo, Japan. His research and teaching interests include quantitative methodology, queer and feminist theories, sexuality and gender stratification, and the demography of sexual orientation and gender identity. He graduated from the International Christian University in Tokyo, Japan, with a BA in Sociology and a minor in Mathematics. He also holds an MA in Sociology, a Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies, and a PhD in Sociology, all from the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. Please see Daiki's CV (https://hiramori.com/) for more details.

【訊息分享 - 國際遷移與流動研討會】

馬克斯 · 普朗克人口統計學研究所 (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)
將於 Conference on Complex Systems 2024 舉辦 Migration and Mobility Research in the Digital Era (MIMODE 2024),舉辦時間、地點、投稿截止日如後:

舉辦時間:2024 年 9 月 3 日

舉辦地點:英國 Exeter

投稿截止日:2024 年 6 月 17 日


【訊息分享 - 國際人口研討會】

國際人口科學聯合會 (International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, IUSSP) 每四年舉辦一次的 International Population Conference (IPC2025),現正徵稿中

研討會舉辦時間:2025 年 7 月 13-18 日
研討會舉辦地點:澳洲 Brisbane
研討會投稿截止日:2024 年 9 月 15 日

研討會主題,請參考 call for papers 的說明:請點這裡

【訊息分享 - 國際人口工作坊】

韓國統計廳 (Statistics Korea) 自 2013 年起,每年舉辦 Summer Seminar on Demography
以全英文講授的 Summer Seminar on Demography,今年共有三個工作坊:

A. Workshop 1 – Demographic Analysis: Methods and Tools in R
日期:7/1 - 7/5 (25 小時)
地點:韓國首爾 FKI Tower Conference 

B. Workshop 2 – Fertility Analysis
日期:7/8 - 7/12 (25 小時)
地點:韓國大田廣域市 Statistics Training Institute

C. Workshop 3 – Mortality Analysis
日期:7/15 - 7/19 (25 小時)
地點:韓國大田廣域市 Statistics Training Institute


【訊息分享 - 人口相關演講會】

演講主題:Survey research on demographic diversities 講座系列 IQueer Demography in Japan: Possibilities and Potentialities

主講人:Daiki Hiramori 平森 大規 日本法政大學助理教授(Assistant Professor, Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies, Hosei University)
主持人: 呂青湖 Lake, Lui 臺灣大學社會學系副教授(Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, NTU)





In recent years, societal interest in sexual and gender minorities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people, has increased across the world. However, extant research in Japan tends to use qualitative methods, which makes it difficult to estimate the size of LGBTQ populations and understand socioeconomic and health disadvantages experienced by these populations. In this talk, I present findings from our methodological studies to develop questions to measure sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) on population-based surveys in the Japanese context. I also discuss findings from a nationally representative survey and a community-based survey in Japan to illustrate the significance of including SOGI as routine demographic questions like age, race/ethnicity, and place of residence.

Daiki Hiramori is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies at Hosei University in Tokyo, Japan. His research and teaching interests include quantitative methodology, queer and feminist theories, sexuality and gender stratification, and the demography of sexual orientation and gender identity. He graduated from the International Christian University in Tokyo, Japan, with a BA in Sociology and a minor in Mathematics. He also holds an MA in Sociology, a Graduate Certificate in Feminist Studies, and a PhD in Sociology, all from the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. Please see Daiki's CV (https://hiramori.com/) for more details.

【訊息分享 - 遷移國際工作坊】

研討會主題:Migration and Identity: East Asia and Beyond The 4th NTUGARC-SNUAC joint migration workshop




【訊息分享 - 人口相關研討會】

以 “Delayed Reproduction: Challenges and Prospects” 為主題的 Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2024 (WIC2024) 國際研討會,現正徵稿中

舉辦時間:2024 年 11 月 21-22 日


主辦單位:維也納人口研究所 (Vienna Institute of Demography) 

投稿截止日:2024 年 5 月 15 日

【訊息分享- 「資料價創與挑戰」工作坊】

由中央研究院統計科學研究所主辦的 2024「資料價創與挑戰」工作坊,相關訊息如後:

舉辦時間:2024 年 5 月 31 日、6 月 1 日

舉辦地點:中央研究院 學術活動中心 第一會議室

報名截止日:5 月 25 日

【訊息分享】6th Asian Population Association Conference ,現正徵稿中

▶️ 舉辦時間:2024 年 11 月 27-30 日
▶️舉辦地點:Kathmandu City, Nepal
▶️ 收件截止日:2024 年 2 月 2 日
▶️ 徵稿主題:
Conference Themes:
1. Future Challenges of Asian Population Dynamics
2. Population Census/Survey, Vital Registration, and Big Data
3. Fertility, Fecundity, Reproductive Health, and Reproductive Rights
4. Mortality, Morbidity, Epidemiology, and Causes of Death
5. Population Mobility and Spatial Demography (Internal and International Migration, including Refugees) and Urbanization
6. Family Formation and Dissolution, Family and Kinship
7. Gender and Development
8. Demographic Theory and Methods (including Demographic Training)
9. Population Dynamics, Demographic Transition, and Population Ageing
10. Population and Environment, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development
11. Special Population Groups (Youth, Older Persons, Persons with Disability, etc.)
12. Population and Economy, Demographic Dividend, and Labor Market
13. Ethnicity/Race, Religion and Language
14. Historical Demography
15. Digital Technology for Demographic Analysis
16. Others (Education, Well-being, and Happiness, etc.)
17. Nepal Special Sessions (Topics relevant to Nepal)



【訊息分享】中央研究院社會學研究所 演講

▶️活動聯絡:陳怡婷 ytchen04@gate.sinica.edu.tw 0 2-2652-5144
林孟瑢助理教授,為美國北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校社會學博士,目前任職於台大社會系。研究領域為:基因與社會、量化方法、性別、生命歷程、老化、社會階層、工作與職業、社會人口學、健康,透過量化分析了解生物和社會因素如何影響人類行為和福祉,以及這些影響在生命歷程中的變化。目前的研究包含兩個向度:教育和職業軌跡、認知和心理健康,以及兩者中的性別差異;了解社會結構如何鼓勵和抑制個體遺傳潛力,以及相互作用如何因性別、種族和民族、時期和世代而異。研究成果發表於Social Science Research及Science of Learning。